The veins are dilated blood vessels (veins) of the skin, are also known as "phlebitis" "spider veins" or "broken vessels." They make their appearance usually in the lower limbs (legs), on the face and other body parts. Based on statistics more than 50% of the population has varicose veins, especially during pregnancy and with age, this percentage increases highly reaching up to 80%.
Why varicose veins form?
The etiology behind the appearance of varicose veins is generally undetermined, although it is believed to be similar to the condition of spider veins. They form due to natural causes such as minor injuries or surgical incisions.
What are the symptoms of varicose veins?
Varicose veins is mainly an aesthetic problem. However, it may be linked to minor localized symptoms such as itching, burning sensation, a feeling of heaviness, or slight pain. When they usually refer to more severe symptoms, we should seek the existence of other factors that might be responsible for their formation.
Which is the diagnosis of varicose veins?
The diagnosis of varicose veins is easy as they are obvious. However, its clinical examination is not limited only there. A correct and complete examination includes obtaining a full medical history in order to seek any causes and underlying diseases or pathological conditions. It is necessary to carry out an ultrasound test at least of the venous system because, in a percentage from 10 to 15%, a venous insufficiency also coexists in larger venous strains whose treatment comes first, if no venous insufficiency is found in large venous stems, or if it has already been addressed.

There are several aids which help examination and treatment planning to be as complete as possible. The most classic one is the magnifying glass which always maintains its value. Among the most useful developments is a method of percutaneous transillumination like the one utilized by VeinLite device. With this method, we are able to identify the feeder veins of varicose veins so that our treatment becomes more radical and effective.
What is the treatment for spider veins?
The method recommended by the worldwide scientific community as the best for the treatment of spider veins is "sclerotherapy". Its basic principle is to inject the substance - drug into the vein in order to destroy the inner wall so that it gets converted to a fibrous lining over time. Current drugs have at least 50 years of history demonstrating their efficiency and safety.

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